Photography has become an increasing trend among young people today. Whether for school or personal gain, the youth keep snapping away, capturing the spirit of the time.
Hello everyone!
My name is Jordan Coupe and welcome to my blog. I created Filippino Bebot for my Global Marketing class at The Art Institute of California-SF. Our final project required us to chose a country, do a whole ton of research on just about everything, and then use what we found to write about interesting topics regarding our country.
I chose the Philippines because I have a few close friends from there, and I have always found the culture interesting. Also, who knows much about the Philippines??
Not too many...
The name u ask? Well Filippino is kind of self explanatory...and bebot? It means pretty girl.
So this is what I came up with..Feel free to comment on anything, ask questions, or just voice your opinion.
Hope You Enjoy!
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